Video Camera Equipment Repair / Replace

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Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled equipment yearning to breathe free.

In this workshop, we’ll take all the gear you bring, set it up and test it, learn proper usage of the gear and if broken, figure out the best way to get the gear repaired or replaced.  This includes all audio, lighting, camera and grip equipment.

This is a one-day workshop with a limit of five schools, one student per school.  

ITEMS TO BRING: Camera equipment (working and non-working), cables, lighting equipment, audio and grip equipment, and anything else that you don’t know how to use. No Computers.

PRE-REQUISITES: Facilitators are required to be a part of this workshop. 

Steve Taylor Wed, Apr 25, 2018 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM Lab 2 EAST Training Center Little Rock, AR

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