Hallway Robots is a project started by Jillian Roberts, Kenna Weaver, and Amelia Nowlin. One of the girl's mothers is a pre-k teacher and endures the stress of her students not staying in line or causing a disturbance. The girls saw this as a problem and decided to do something about it. Their goal is to help the students at the local pre-k center learn to walk in a line properly. They had the idea to create robots that would work as line leaders for the students. They would build these robots and give them to the pre-k center and the teachers would use an app to control it so it goes where they want it to. They got permission from the principals at the pre-k center and are on course to get it done! They have the measurements right for their cardboard cases for their robots to protect them! The last step is to implement it into the pre-k center!