Hailey Nicley: From EAST Student to Entrepreneur

Last Updated:2/7/2024

EAST Student Contributor Sara Cline visited with alum Hailey Nicley on how EAST taught her to operate and market her own local business.

EAST teaches students many characteristics that will help them in the work field later on in their lives. EAST not only teaches children how to be better students, but inspires them to be better people all together.  

Hailey Nicley graduated from Paragould High School in 2021. Hailey was in EAST for eight years before graduating. She is currently a small business owner and does marketing for her business, Retro Revival Vintage Market. 

Hailey says her advice for EAST students now is to “take every opportunity you can to make your dreams come true! Whether it be big or small, your projects really do make an impact in your school and community. You may not realize it at the time, but your work is memorable in ways that can give you great networking opportunities as you graduate and pursue a career. In EAST, you learn so many skills and life lessons that I, personally, have carried over to my everyday life! Being an active member in the community is one thing that truly makes a positive impact!”

EAST teaches you skills you will use in your daily life that can benefit you and help increase your chances of success. Hailey says the one thing she misses about EAST is, “Networking with my fellow students and the community! During my time in EAST, I made so many lifelong friends and partners I still communicate with to this day.” 

Hailey's time in EAST allowed her to grow her communication skills and that is how she got to where she is today. She says, “During my time in EAST, I really built my marketing knowledge and it gave me all of the experience I needed to get started in the field, as well as the fact I still use a lot of those software today! In my time getting to work under a company doing their marketing, I have been able to use so many of the things I learned during my years in the EAST program! As a small business owner now, I am thankful for EAST as it taught me many lessons in marketing, networking, and how to connect in my community.” 

Hailey has been a role model for so many EAST students even after she has graduated. As you can see, the skills you learn in EAST will always be something you carry with you all throughout your life and your career path.

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